Work Experience Students….the future of PR is in safe hands…:-)

We are so pleased that so many students have shown an interest in our company this year. We have received some really interesting letters and placement requests from some intelligent and talented individuals. Client commitments and workloads made it difficult to offer any places this year but we have managed to rearrange things a little so we can take at least one student for a week. We are looking forward to welcoming Darcie Akhurst from George Abbott school next week. We are hoping Darcie will enjoy helping us with some facebook and twitter work and we’ll give Darcie a real taste of working in PR….

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch and sorry that we can’t offer more placements but good luck to all of you – hope you are successful in your placement search and you all get a good taste of working life…..

PR crisis management — the Jeremy Hunt incident on Twitter.

Mistakes happen, ask Jim Naughtie.

It’s how you respond to a crisis that matters, and although Jim committed the worst spoonersim possible with poor Heremy Junt’s name does the person responsible for the BBC “Today” programme’s twitter account need a little crisis PR management refresher?

If you have a PR crisis:

* Don’t panic

* Don’t be flippant

* Don’t deny a mistake

Was the BBC R4 tweet which came a few minutes after the incident, and a few minutes before Naughty Jim’s on air apology, an inspired/humourous flash of genius or did it break cardinal crisis management rules?

here’s the tweet:

r4today BBC Radio 4 Today
Yes, your ears deceived you. Move along now, nothing to see here…

All about Good Teamwork

We are never tired of telling the world how important team work is. And how bonding is the best part of our job, linking with like-minded journalists, for the benefit of our clients, their customers, their prospective customers and of course for ourselves as a team 🙂

Over the past couple of months, Training has very much been on our agenda, and we have been sharing some of thoughts on how to best go about investing in training and how best to implement cost-effective training in these tough times. Also as part of our Investor in People programme we are totally committed to the value of linking Business Outcomes with our Staf Training. Here are some of the articles that we have recently contributed to.

The Director – Skills Agenda

PR Success Monthly – How one PR agency builds a great team

The Director – Learning the Hard Way

On the subject of training, should you need any help with PR, visit our fact Sheet pages for tips for free!


New! International PR Affiliations

As well as delivering cost-effective results-driven campaigns to our Local and National PR clients, we have been building up close affiliations with other like-minded partner agencies across Europe, USA and Asia so as to be in a position to offer a global reach when required.

For those of you who didn’t know, we are also competent speakers in many foreign languages and offer translation services too!

The importance of localisation when thinking about going global applies just as much to PR and Media Relations as it does to market research, translation and cultural awareness. As such, the benefits of having a local trustworthy agency on the ground (in your chosen area of international expansion) that has the relevant skills, knowledge, links with your target Media, and access to your potential new customers is vital when you are trying to launch a product or service in a new territory.

brookscomm is therefore delighted to be working with our international friends in delivering PR campaigns across the international landscape, and providing you with peace of mind that all your requirements are being looked after by people like us!

Please contact us for any questions or advice that you may need if you are thinking about how to increase your market share outside the UK and across Europe and beyond, and we will be delighted to listen to your ideas and suggest how we can help.

Please call us on 01483 537 890 or email

Exclusive …. Home Secretary drinks whilst on duty!

Last Friday saw the launch of an initiative to boost the Town Centre of Maidenhead. The high profile campaign launch was launched by the Home Secretary, Theresa May.

CBC’s newest client, Pig in a Poke, supplied the wine for the event and Enjoyment Executive (wouldn’t we all love to have a job and job title like that!) Alistair Morrell wasted no time in introducing himself to Theresa May and offering her a sample of the current Pig in a Poke vintage. She readily accepted and commented “I’m very pleased to support Pig in a Poke. It’s a great initiative and it’s good to see these ideas from a local business.”

For the record Theresa only had a small sampling glass of wine. But she said that she liked it! We at CBC say we like the wine too. And we should know a good wine when we taste one!!