Hi, goodness know what it’s going to be like ….. !!
Chaz as media mentor is on today BBC1 4:05pm
The Smokehouse: “Six children put their parents on a quit-smoking course, living in the smokehouse rehab centre with doctors and psychologists. The teams take to the streets to see how many other smokers they can convince to kick the habit. The battle is on to come up with a powerful campaign and eye-catching publicity stunts.”
Did I manage to come up with a “powerful campaign and eye-catching publicity stunts”
Ummmmm — dunno! I’m a bit nervous now as to how it will come out — hopefully you all will be far too busy to watch it 🙂 I suppose it will be on i-Player or whatever afterwards (it’s Episode 9)
With trepidation — all the best and have a Happy Easter